Quality Assurance Seminar at Siam University

Quality assurance is a forum where issues concerning the higher education system are discussed by Thai Ministry of Education in consonance with Thai higher institutions. Siam University had yet again hosted this group in a meeting held on the 7th – 8th July 2015 at Siam University. This seminar registered massive presence of lecturers, professors […]

Siam University and Nurses Association in Thailand

Thailand as one of the top medical tourist destinations had foreseen the need for educational modifications. Starting from the higher institution to a professional level; Siam University has gone beyond its constitutive institutional influence and initiative to conjoin with the Nurses Association of Thailand to establish a standard system of learning through the means of […]

Siam University Commencement 2015 Rehearsal

Siam University Commencement 2015 Rehearsal Practice makes perfect and perfection leads to satisfaction at its fullness! On the commencement rehearsal day of the newly graduated students of Siam University, the bright flying colors that twirls smoothly around, a glimpse of beaming faces milling around the buildings and the glimmers of good times that lounges on […]

New Students “Home Sports in Campus”

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” a famous phrase used to refer to workaholics. Siam University constantly arranges activities for the newly inducted students. Mostly, every department organizes similar games and activities to get the student adjust to the University environment. Siam University also considers this particular approach in initiating activities […]

Cleaning the Neighborhood- Campaign 2

Siam University in its great sense of cleanliness is devotedly committed to global sustainability efforts and fully supports orderliness by providing recycling bins in the University. Siam University supported this cleaning campaign scheme to be participated by the students. This time the students who participated in the cleaning campaign day 1 of the University neighborhood […]

Workshop at Siam University on June 24, 2015

Siam University organizes workshops for her professors, lecturers, staffs, and students. This exercise helps to create the best students and enhance the skills of the personnel at the University. Training of personnel’s takes place every year immediately after the induction of the new students into the University. It is a continuous gathering that never ends […]

Japanese for Communication – Siam University

It has always been a tradition for Japanese language faculty to formally organize an induction ceremony for the newly admitted students of the Faculty. In line with this tradition, the faculty for Japanese language studies on the 22nd of July 2015 formally welcomed the newly admitted students of the faculty. The staff members of the […]

Funeral Rites of Princess Ratchanee at Wat Debsirin

On the 22nd of June, 2015, Siam University was privileged to be an invitee for the burial ceremony of Princess Ratchanee which took place in Wat Debsirin. Siam University President Dr. Pornchai Mongkhonvanit accompanied by few members of the University staff, attended this occasion in honor of the late Princess, who had achieved so much […]

Hungarian Ambassador Revisit to Siam University

The Hungarian Embassy has maintained a very strong relationship with Siam University, and this inter connectivity had likewise extended to other Embassies. This is the second visitation from the Hungarian Embassy this year by Ambassador H.E. Dr. Peter Jakab. During the course of his visit to Siam University, he patrolled around the University vicinity in […]