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Nigerian 55th Independence Celebration


Siam University had joined Nigerians together with the Embassy of Nigeria in Thailand in the celebration of her 55th Independence since the overthrown of the British colony in 1960. With deep respect SIAM and the Embassy of Nigeria had for each other, Siam University sent certain students to witness the event live and also participate delicately in the activities provided on that day.

Nigeria is the Africa’s fastest growing economy, and has, also, demonstrated to be a true democratic country after her first recently Free and Fair election was conducted successfully in Nigeria and the peaceful handover power from the previous government to the new government. Nigeria has also been a significant symbol in the areas of Economy, Education, and Politics in the African continent with the largest population of over 170 million people.

Nigeria’s recently celebrated Independence had opened the eyes of the witness about Nigeria’s heritage, culture and other natural possessions. During the course of this delirious event, the Embassy of Nigeria utilized the opportunity to launch its Third Edition of her ‘Stewardship’ which contents Nigeria’s democracy, success since her Independence, political cordials with Thailand and Myanmar etc.

Siam University commemorates with Nigerians in Diaspora on the auspicious celebration of Nigeria’s 55th Independence as she looks forward to accomplishing more success in this 21st Century of technological development.

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