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November 8th, 2014 Forum Session


On 8th November, 2014, Siam Business Administration department (MBA) held a forum on ASEAN integration. This forum was very necessary because it dealt on the realities of ASEAN integration and possible implementation of policies binding ASEAN countries.

It was particularly important as 2015 marks the rebirth of ASEAN as a regional organization. The idea is to make ASEAN regions very stronger in 2015. MBA Students and Lecturers were the participants of this forum and their contributions in the course of this forum were vital.

The ideal roadmap for ASEAN countries however, was to provide policies that will boost the already existing groundwork necessary for ASEAN to be a stronger regional organization. ASEAN member countries look to imitate the European Union as its model during the 2015 restructuring model.

ASEAN region is known to be an already existing organization but however. It had not been clearly mapped out boundary-wise and had not yet had comprehensive policies designed for its existence. ASEAN members consist of 10 countries within the region.

The year 2015 will mark a complete rebirth of the region especially as it holds the key for economic prosperity in Asia. South East Asian Nations remains the fastest growing region besides China and Japan. The economic policies which are yet to be integrated in ASEAN will be beneficial to all countries under ASEAN.

Thailand remains the center of ASEAN region and as such, it had long begun to reposition itself to become one of the most influential countries in south east region. The dynamic economies of Indonesia and Singapore will also be beneficial as these countries will stand to benefit from trade between them and Thailand and other ASEAN countries and vice versa. Trade is also an important area as all member nations prepare to commit to their ASEAN in the year 2015.

This Forum had therefore highlighted the importance of considering all possible permutations that will be involved in the implementation of policies and transforming ASEAN into one of the important regions around the world.

However, Dr. Tuomo was appreciated and Thanked by the participants at this occasion for his well delivered lectures.


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