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Hotel and Tourism Management activity


On the 18th of May 2015, Hotel and tourism had organized an activity in which the students from hotel and tourism had participated. It was a relishing moment as the students and the faculty staffs wore colorful dresses during the occasion. Mere looking at the student performers sampling the national flags of many countries may have read meanings into the minds of observers. It will be observed that hotel and tourism is one of the disciplines to understand and socialize properly among various country cultures.

During this activity, hotel and tourism management in Siam University had welcomed every country in the world to visit Thailand through holding out national flags of various countries in Unison. The students of this department were equally trained not only to serve in the field of tourism, but also be able to entertain guests with smiles, music and dancing.

The Students of tourism and hotel management are also known for their hospitality. This is an act inculcated as part of training and profession focusing on cultural difference and hospitality management. This is an activity that showcased entire department. A well-timed boom in tourism sector in the 21st century Thailand highlights its importance. Tourism alone contributed about 9% of the total GDP of Thailand in 2013. Whilst also boosting a similar figure in 2014.

Tourism and Hotel management in Siam University is a department saddled with the task of educating young adults in the exciting world of tourism, food and service, travel and entertainment. Nowadays, technology brings massive changes in the world, has become a global community, and many people cherish travelling from one part of the globe to another.

Hotel and Tourism management activity which took place in Siam University was designed to showcase that people could project what they have in their culture (modes of dressing, dancing styles and lifestyle) to the global community without undermining the global awareness in the 21st century.

Hotel and Tourism Management activity

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