Cross_Border E-Commerce College of Chaoshan Polytechnic College of China


Program Description

Siam University’s International Bachelor of Business Administration (IBBA) program provides a solid foundation for students whose interests lie in the business world.  Our program provides substantial skills, knowledge, and the steps necessary to succeed while competing in the global business environment. Students seeking a viable course of study in a complex world are sure to find our IBBA program the most valuable way of getting ahead.

This is a four-year undergraduate study program leading to the degree of Bachelor’s in Business Administration (BBA) in International Business. The curriculum has been approved by the Ministry of University Affairs of Thailand. It is established in response to  the increase market demands for human resources in this particular field in today’s global business community.

For students who may be undecided about their future goals, our program aims to help each student discover business as a profession and to prepare each student for a career within the business profession.

The goals of the Siam University International Business Degree Program 

  • To provide students with essential information about doing business in an international arena;
  • We also aim at engaging our students in the development of the global business by attending to business conferences and meetings;
  • To encourage exemplary individual and corporate moral behavior; and
  • To provide students with the knowledge necessary for mastery of successful business and managerial skills and, also develop sense responsibilities in the business industry.

SIAM University’s IBBA program promotes skills and abilities that guide students through their studies with real-life examples of business application and management roles.  Class-time is good first step, and additional practical experience furthers each student towards success. This is where the Siam University IBBA Program thrives. We make sure our students engage in real-life business situations to aid transition from the classroom to the boardroom.

What is International Business?

The world of business keeps changing under the dynamics of globalization forcing administrators to do things in new ways. This degree provides students with the required skills and knowledge to undertake a career in a multi-national corporation. Employment opportunities include positions in sales and marketing, advertising; finance; operations and logistics; and international trade.

Graduates will acquire working knowledge of international banking and monetary procedures, trade laws, regional agreements such as ASEAN and NAFTA and understand parameters concerning international laws and import-export governmental controls.

International business comprises all commercial transactions (private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics, and transportation) that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundaries. Usually, private companies undertake such transactions for profit; governments undertake them for profit and for political reasons. It refers to all those business activities which involve cross border transactions of goods, services, resources between two or more nations. Transaction of economic resources include capital, skills, people etc. for international production of physical goods and services such as finance, banking, insurance, construction e.t.c. In other words, businesses that involve two or more countries can be considered an International Business.

English Language Qualifications

Since the international programs uses English as medium of instruction, all applicants must pass an English placement test to assess their level of proficiency. Students with difficulties in English may be required to complete an English language course before undertaking their undergraduate studies. Students having a TOEFL score of 500 (or equivalent) or who are native speaker are not required to take the placement test.

Credit Transfers

SU recognizes credits earned in other accredited institutions and accept transfer of credits for courses that are at least 70% similar to SU curriculum and for which a grade of ‘C’ or higher was earned.

Students must provide a detailed course description from their former university for each course they wish to transfer credits for. The process of credit transfer after the student has completed ten (10) courses of studies at SU.


Students are expected to attend ALL classes.  A minimum of eighty (80) % attendance is mandatory.  There are no ‘authorized’ cuts or absences from class.  Irregular attendance may result in losing the opportunity to sit for the final examination of the respective subject for which absentees exceed more than twenty (20) % of the entire course for the semester.

In the case of unavoidable absences, such as illness or accident or serious illness leading to death of a family member, all work that the student has missed must be made up properly and satisfactorily.  The responsibility for completing the outstanding work is the sole responsibility of the student.  If there is a case of unavoidable absences, the student MUST provide all proper documentation appropriate to this case.  Failure to provide this information may result in a non-excused absence and possibly failure of the course.


The academic standards and programs at Siam are approved by the Higher Education Commission of Thailand.  SU is a fully accredited university and all of its graduates enjoy the same privileges in accordance with other state university graduates.

Program Duration: 8 Semesters (4 Years)

Certificate Awarded: Siam University Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration

The time is now

Take the first step towards your career

Program Details

Knowledge About Your Career Choice


As your career begins the global economy continues to expand, the demand for international business graduates is higher and continues to increase, the number of courses offered in international business program is evidence of the increased in demand for quality and accredited education. This program has become one of the most common programs in Asia as a whole more especially South East Asia. In the business industries, there are a good number of challenges facing the expansion of businesses between borders; language difficulties and cultural differences, but the establishment of this program offers every student the opportunity to learn and gain enough knowledge in multi-cultural etiquette that surrounds the business environment.

The curriculum for international business degrees comprises a wide range of management courses, business culture, business law and taxation, economics and marketing. You will learn how to conduct business worldwide.

Why you should study international business and what you will gain?

  • An international business degree prepares you to compete in the global market;
  • You are assured of a better knowledge in business culture and moral behavior in the larger social community.
  • You will gain a greater command in conducting business across boundaries;
  • You will have multiple career options depending on the particular field in the Program you specialize on.
  • You will gain a good sense of social responsibility, and management skills that will help you develop businesses and financial skills.
  • The program contains quality education with special emphasis on the international aspects of Business Administration. Is all yours to gain.
  • Increases your potential and competitive edge in the job market with all courses in the program conducted in the English language-the language of international business-thus, establishing a vital link with the international business community.
  • Enhances yours ability to analyze the increasing synergy and trends in networking and globalization of current international business management and the elements which are vital to successful business operations in the international environment.
  • Instills in your perspectives on cultural aspects such as language, religion, customs, traditions, political practice, as well as local and regional business practices which are at issues in managing and administering international business practices. Our diverse international faculty members and student body will provide you with an excellent opportunity in this respect as well as the opportunity to interact with local business firms.

What Can You Do With a Degree in International Business?

There are several options for you, and these options are opened for every graduate in this particular field;        


  • Financial Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • Marketing Executive and Operational Researcher
  • Chartered Management Accountant Retail Manager
  • International Logistics and distribution Manager
  • Management Analyst and Consultant
  • Business Manager and Entrepreneur
  • Human resources Officer


  • International Accountant
  • Systems Analyst
  • International Economist
  • Corporate investment banker
  • International Banker
  • Government Foreign Ministry
  • Import/Export Specialist
  • Sales Executive and Sales Marketer

International Program

International Business


The Program consists of:

  1. General Education Courses                                                              Credit Hours

       1.1 Humanities and Social Science                                                                 9

       1.2 Mathematics and Basic Science                                                               9

       1.3 Language and Communication

                    (Choose four – 3 credits each)                                                           12


        1.4 Physical Education and Aesthetics                                                          3


                                                           Total                                                                  30


  1. Department Courses                                                                         Credit Hours

      2.1 Core Courses                                                                                                   36

      2.2 Required Courses in Major Field                                                              39

      2.3 Elective Courses in Major Field                                                                 15


                                                            Total                                                                  90


  1. The Free Elective Courses                                                                              6


                                                    Grand Total                                                             126

Entrance Requirements – Only Original Documents for admissions are accepted:

  • Grade 12 certificate or transcript of academic records.
  • Passport or travel document (all pages) with validity not less than six (6) months
  • Criminal record report from Bangkok Royal Thai Police Headquarters
  • 2 letters of recommendation (from high school teachers)
  • Results of TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS, if available
  • 3 recent photographs (4x6cm)
  • Application fees & registration fees

(Siam University reserves the right to require validation of paperwork by the respective embassy of potential students)

Required Document photocopies for admission:

  1. Original and photocopy of M6 certificate, high school diploma or transcript of records
  2. Copy of the Thai citizen identification card and household registration (if applicable)
  3. Copy of passport picture page
  4. Copy of departure card
  5. Copy of current visa page
  6. 4 – 3×4 cm. color portrait photographs
  7. Criminal record report from Bangkok Royal Thai Police Headquarters
  8. Results of TOEFL, TOEIC or IELTS, if available
NewSemester 1Semester 2Summer
1Student Register Cost1,000.00
2Student ID Card Cost100.00
3Student uniform PIN Cost500.00
4Other Fees150.00
5Insurance Cost1,000.00
6Education Maintenance Cost8,000.008,000.001,200.00
7Library Maintenance Cost800.00800.00
8Maintenance and Development Cost (sports/medical)400.00400.00
9Nursing Room Maintenance Cost200.00200.00
10Student’s Activity Maintenance Cost300.00300.00
11Accident Insurance Cost200.00
12Internet Service Cost950.00950.00300.00
13Course curriculum for Activity Maintenance Cost800.00800.00
 Sub Total2,750.0011,650.0011,450.001,500.00
14Course per/Credit Cost2,000.0036,000.0036,000.0018,000.00
 Credits for each semester18  9
 Total with Credit course cost 50,400.0050,200.0022,250.00

*Fees and Tuition costs are subject to change without notice*

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