Welcoming the new students and parents “School of Pharmacy”


The New students and their parents were all smiles as they were warmly welcomed in a “chit chat” session organized by the school of pharmacy on the 17th of June, 2015. This interactive forum was meant for parents, their newly admitted wards and the faculty members, which was at this time, presided over by the Dean of faculty of Pharmacy.

The objective of this forum was to strike up an interactive discourse between the university faculty and the parents of the newly admitted students. This interactive discourse was bordered on advising parents who were in attendance, on the issue of giving proper parental guidance to their wards. At the university level, it is believed that students are mature enough to take certain decisions for themselves. In this regard, Parents would therefore be expected to assume new role of being advisors to their children at this level.

At the university level, most students may be about to or may have already taken a life-long decision in a career path, it is therefore expected that parents should be available to their wards at this time, in other to render useful advice to their wards in their chosen career path.

The Dean of the faculty of pharmacy, who spoke during this occasion, had re-emphasized that the university is deeply committed to achieving the required educational standards both internationally and locally. The faculty administration therefore encouraged parents never to waver, if truly what they were seeking in Siam University was quality education for their wards.

Other faculty members at this meeting appreciated the parents for taking such a wise decision to allow their wards to study at Siam University. They again, reiterated the goals of the university; which is to facilitate a committed effort at meeting the students’ personal academic needs.

Of course, these parents were made to understand that the University and the faculty is at their beck and call should they at any time require information on the academic progress of their children and their behavior while in the campus. The university promised that it would always maintain good contact with parents so as to ensure their wards remained focused in their education.

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