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Siam University Student Volunteers


Siam University is conscious of the need to foster in her students the unique identity of a standardized education in line with the settings of the social moral conduct of the society. The University in its awareness of a profound social responsibility had persisted in encouraging students to participate in social activities so as to build the niche for great leaders of the society.

This voluntary scheme was initiated to instill in the students from every department of study that despite living in the civilized 21st century world of technology, certain things are not easily obtained and in so cases are not easily earned. The students are also expected to realize that the successfulness in this century development is actualized at the expensed of truly and dedicated hard word of certain individuals who by their effort we live so comfortably.

Siam University also believes that by constantly igniting in the students these social responsibilities and creativeness of working together, some of them who are suppressed with social shyness and anxiety that are more likely to hamper their success growth in the society or taint their preserved future can easily conquer these traits beforehand for a secure future and development ahead.

The University encourages students to build their future in being the leaders of their professional respective fields or career, starting from taking responsibilities and obligations assigned to them seriously. The University occasionally empowers the students by awarding the best students that have maintained academic excellence and commitments in social responsibilities. The University equally encourages other students to devotedly accept and take both academic and social responsibilities as their priority.

Students that are bestowed with the zeal of social responsibilities should and must be instinctively appreciated and constantly encouraged to keep the light blazing not only by the academic institutions, but by the entire society. It is through their civic mind of responsibility that a society can obtain a desired sustainable development.

Students as the future leaders are instilled in them a strong sense of responsibility and commitment to their rightful obligation. This effort of social responsibility is a manifestation of unity and enhanced academic standards. This voluntary scheme is a tangible step forward in the academic growth and development of the Thai society and the world at large.


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