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Siam University Sports Activity 2015


Sport is a very important activity in our daily lives and at this stage it is well encouraged by numerous Universities to let the students participate in various sports. However, in the continuous trail of sporting events, a willingness to serve, and to unite together are developed among students in a prospect for a healthy and energetic young generation. Its importance to human development is virtually and verbally expressed. It can also be a platform for uniting people together, especially in a civil society. It would most times be required that one should engage in certain sports regularly to gain the fitness and health of mind required for carrying out general tasks.

Siam University is an institution of learning that encourages sports in all of its departments. Life at SIAM is obtainable for any activity one engages in. Thus, it offers different varieties of activities for choosing a suitable lifestyle.

On the 30th of August 2015, Siam University students participated in a number of sporting events. They showed a total athletic character of the event which offered them unlimited space to showcase their ability in various sports.

However, Siam University organizes sports events occasionally to motivate both the students and the staff. It is believed to create an opportunity of refreshment, intercommunication and health-consciousness.

The Students who have shown certain dedication in sporting events at Siam University are seen practicing on a daily basis. The intention of the University is to train the young ones to be virtually active both physically and mentally. And Siam University also believed that by exercising regularly one can be actively responsive without delay.

Sporting events at Siam University is a good way of uniting Students across various faculties. Students are therefore encouraged by the University administration to know one another through such means. Also, what they learnt from this sport can help expose them to know that academic and other life competitions ought to embrace the same spirit of sportsmanship.

Siam University creates a wider opportunity for students to harness and discover their talents whether through academic or sporting activities Siam University pays a reasonable attention to the affairs of her students.

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