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National Research Council of Thailand


On 23rd April 2015, Siam University representative MD. Jahidul Islam (Assistant Director of Information Technology) visited The National Research Council of Thailand to discuss the possible collaborations between Siam University and The National Research Council of Thailand. Honorable Petchara Sungkhaworn, Director of Research Information and Data Center, National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) hosted the meeting ceremony. The discussion was generally accumulated to understand the policy and strategies implemented by the National Research Council of Thailand. There was a brief session enlightening the Digital Research Information Center (DRIC) and Thai National Research Repository (TNRR), which meritoriously occupied together to collect and distribute significant data for the development of society, economy, natural resources, environment and innovation.

 Siam University would like to express prominent gratitude to Petchara Sungkhaworn for such applicable initiative for researchers, educational institutes, affiliated institutions and organizations.

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At the beginning of 2015, Siam University had organized sports competition ever. Of course, this was one of the biggest competitions ever

Bowling Association of Thailand

Siam University Alumni Association Send a team to compete at the Bowling Association of Thailand at Mall Ramkhamhaeng Bowl-winning scores.