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Hungarian Ambassador Revisit to Siam University


The Hungarian Embassy has maintained a very strong relationship with Siam University, and this inter connectivity had likewise extended to other Embassies. This is the second visitation from the Hungarian Embassy this year by Ambassador H.E. Dr. Peter Jakab. During the course of his visit to Siam University, he patrolled around the University vicinity in a retrospective manner together with some dignitaries that came along. They were kindly welcomed to Siam University by staffs and some exceptional students whom by their efforts in receiving the delegates were massively acknowledged by the Embassy.

The Hungarian Embassy was impressed on the positive advancement in facilities more especially, the quality service Siam University has made in just around 4 months when they last visited the University.

The last time the Ambassador visited Siam University; they had discussed and deliberated on establishing exchange information on graduate studies in human millennium century with Siam University on 25th of February.

The Embassy of Hungary promised to keep visiting Siam University often. They were greeted and immensely thanked by Siam University president Dr. Pornchai Monkonvanit who was equally present on that day.

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