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Patient Counseling Event


The event “Patient counseling” is a health program organized to create awareness for patient education and counseling. Medical Students of Siam University were major participants in this event.

The activity intends to highlight how counseling effect can improve the Patient’s knowledge in understanding their body and be able to study their environments to ensure safety of their health.

The need to educate Patients is becoming increasingly important. Most Patients die from terrible diseases which they were either through ignorance or negligence have failed to notice at its early stage. Some diseases can thrive in the human body for a long time, with barely slight symptoms before they become deadly.

Here also, Patient counseling would be able to address errors relating to drug prescription which may have increased over the years. Inadequate number of qualified health Workers or Pharmacists in the past have made this situation almost seem hard to tackle. Many times in the past, People had no access to good Medical Advisers/counsel, and may have unfortunately died of wrong medicinal prescription.

Thus, it is very necessary that we encourage sick people to receive counseling from medical experts. Patients through this will be educated to know their body constituents and on the dangers of self-medication. However, counseling heals Patients emotionally and that is why health professionals stress its importance. For any health issue, a patient is expected to visit a doctor or the nearest pharmacy for proper health counseling.

Patient counseling had often been neglected in the recent times perhaps because of inadequate number of health professionals. It was also noticed that there were strong violation of rules in Patient counseling, which was as a result of some inexperienced health workers. Wrong health advice could lead to emotional breakdown of the Patient or in the worst case to death of Patient.

Siam University had realized these needs. Hence, this need backed its reasons for organizing a forum in Patient counseling for medical students. This would purposefully and rightly educate Students who wish to work in the health field.

Students who participated in this educative forum/event had expressed their gratitude at the level of quality ex positional training workshops made available to them by the University administration.


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