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Nursing role in Health promotion Prevent NCDs


A sensitization Program was organized for Nursing Students of Siam University in other to discuss the role of the nurses in the prevention of Non-Communicable diseases and Health Promotion.

This program is important in their profession because their experiences as nurses or even as student nurses should stand to educate them more about health issues. This sensitization Program highlights the need to promote one’s health above everything else. Ensuring Health of mind and body is an imperative for a healthy society.

NCD’s pose a considerable danger to our society today because many deaths had been witnessed as its resultant effect. This special program was organized for nursing students in other to incorporate health promotion in nursing programs of Siam University. It will also help to reshape it from being disease treatment oriented to disease prevention orientated.

Nurses are health educators and they should take the responsibility to educate individuals on the threat of NCD’s and its prevention.

Hence, the University makes constant effort to ensure that its nursing students are knowledgeable on these programs.

One should take note that Health Promotion is a vital aspect of the Nursing work. Nurses play an important role in safeguarding and promoting human health. They also play a role in the prevention of Non-communicable diseases through creating awareness and proper education of individuals about their health.

The role of Nurses in this aspect had been outlined by this program. Their roles range from patient education, treatment of patients, and prevention of illness through providing useful information and to health consultation.

It is very noticeable that the presence of highly informed Nurses has so far improved the quality of health available to the society. There had been more efforts on their own part to sensitize the people on the need to keep clean environments to eschew diseases which may endanger the life of the society.

Thus, the core concept of health promotion was to aid in developing community-based practice of health promotion, community participation and health promotion practice based on social and health services

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