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MBA Office Announcement


Siam University Regulations

The President of Siam University has issued the following guidelines:-
1. Registration, adding and withdrawing subjects, changing group and changing subjects must be completed within the period indicated in the class schedule.
2. Withdrawing subjects without refund can be done before final examination. In this cases the transcript will show W in that subject.
3. Payments for registration must be completed within the period indicated in the class schedule. Students are not allowed to attend classes (and take exams) without registration.
4. Maintenance of student status students who are absent and have not maintained their student status for 2 consecutive semesters would not be allowed to continue their study.

Visa Regulations

Visa application has been tightened by the Police Immigration Department and the following will apply:-

  1. For new students

1.1 For students applying for MBA Students whose visas are expiring or holding business visas will have to take the invitation letter from Siam University to apply for Thai visas at the Thai embassies or consulates in their respective countries.
1.2 For applying students with UNHCR Status The can apply and receive the visa in Thailand
1.3 For students already having student visa or apply for visa for the first time, they will be given 6 months visa.
1.4 To apply for visa students must register not fewer than 3 subjects or 9 credits per semester.

  1. For students already studying

2.1 Visa will be generally given only for a period of 2 years
2.2 For students who drop the study, late in registration, late in registration payment, the visa office, based on the Police Immigration Office directives, will consider the visa extension request on a case by case basis, taking into account relevant documents and study results (length of visa extension will be at the discretion of the Immigration Office).
2.3 For students still working on IS or Thesis (still within 2 years period according to 2.1), the advisers have to submit a written evidence indicating the subject matter and progress, to be considered for visa extension on a case by case basis.
2.4 Students who have studied for more than 2 years and have not completed their IS or Thesis, the Police Immigration Department will not extend their visas. They have to return home to work on their research, and can come to Thailand to discuss their research or attend commencement ceremony by using tourist visas.

MBA Office 
October 16, 2015

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