Job Exhibition


Job exhibition is another way to send students into the world to showcase themselves with what they’ve  learned from the university. Before the commencement of job exhibition, students are believed to have mastered all the necessary steps to become a disciplined and competent professional. In this way after the internship programs, the University provides the students with the opportunity to make a proper choice of their future careers. Here, a bunch of students will queue and sign up for employment. There are also certain workshops and seminars organized by the university to further teach the students how to work effectively and become successful candidates in their respective future careers.

During the job exhibition session the students were asked to introduce themselves so that the teachers will evaluate their performances in terms of exposure in encountering professional interviews, and dress appropriately and also were expected to ask reasonable questions in regards to how they are going to be prepared for the future ahead.

These workshops and seminars are aimed to impart the students with the followings;

  • To develop a professional resume for a well-secured employment enrollment;
  • To study the work ethics that guides the body of Organizations;
  • To develop a good sense of Social skills for easy communication;
  • To develop self-discipline and good mandate in the work environment;
  • To develop the willingness to sacrifice in their various career ambitions;

The University as well encouraged students to take these training sessions very seriously for a better future that lies in front of them and given the fact that the world of business and employment is very challenging and complex. The University offers these training sessions every year before students are officially graduates. But, in some of these organized training sessions Alumni are virtually invited to deliver a speech and presentation in regards to facing the world and succeed in any sector of their choice of career.

SIAM trusts in the efforts and capabilities of her students, and this reliability has spurred SIAM to foster more job opportunities for her students after graduation. And, this will help increase the number of the Alumni SIAM has produced in the world.

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