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ISMAP from Siam University participate at Moroccan Independence Day


Siam University International Student Mentor and Ambassador Program is a group of dedicated students who actively participate in the affairs of the university. They represent the university in any international events both inside and outside of university. These students are highly respectful and committed to both their studies and charitable works at the university.

These outstanding students pursue an exemplary life of a good and disciplined citizen and are eager to willfully accept any voluntary task assigned to them. The international student volunteers, on their tight academic schedule still set aside some time for selfless acts of charity for the university. They are always available when called upon to serve.

On the 30th of July 2015, these volunteer students went to the national day of Morocco, representing Siam University organized by the coordinator. In this momentous event, they had participated in the welcoming of distinguished dignitaries, and delegations that were present on the day. They also participated in the respect of the National Anthem of Morocco. These students in their respectful manner were graciously complimented and appreciated of their wholehearted act of courtesy in the successful event of the independent ceremony. The Embassy of Morocco graciously showered some multitudinous attributes to these students in order to empower them.

The need to constantly inspire the students for their hard work and intense dedication to their studies should be fully encouraged among several institutions both higher and lower. Lack of encouragement to the students is almost certain to lead to derailment which can equally be detrimental to the better future of the society. There should be a reward for good works performed by students who choose to distinguish themselves by rendering decent services for the betterment and smooth-running of the institution as a source of encouragement. Siam University had supported her students in various ways such as offering scholarships for students who have maintained academic excellence, and also offering job opportunities for students who show massive dedication to the work assigned.

Siam University is proud and confident of her students. The University had perpetually succeeded in producing a good number of disciplined individuals who had constantly represented their families and their institution decently.

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