Inter-University Conference



The 32nd Inter-University Conference of ASAIHL at Siam University on 31st March 2014

The 32nd Inter-University Conference of the Association of Southeast Asian institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL)under the theme of “Enhancing European and Asian Academic systems Compatibility” conference was held at Siam University on 31st March 2014.

The objective was to share ideas, present research findings and recommendations in order to improve the quality and accessibility of regional and national higher education. In addition, one of the papers presented was selected to be Thailand’s country report for presentation at the regional conference 2014 to be held during 11-13 June 2014 at the University Montepellier, France.
On 31st March 2014, Dr. PornchaiMongkhonvanit, presented the welcome address to the guests and audience. And then, Assoc. Prof. Dr. NinnatOlanvoravuth, Secretary-general of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL), presented the distinguished topic on “The Role of ASAIHL on Enhancing European and Asian Academic Systems Compatibility”.
Followed by the Special lecture by keynote address under the topic “EURAXESS Links ASEAN; Supporting EU-ASEAN Research Collaboration” by speaker Mr. Simon Grimley, Regional Representatives, EURAXESS Links ASEAN. While in the afternoon Keynote address “Cultures, Ideas and Educational Systems: A Comparison between the East and the West” by Prof. Dr. LikhitDhiravegin, Fellow of the Royal Institute, The DushdiMala Medal. Total six papers were presented from various perspectives and the organizing committee was all present for selection.

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