Siam University-ASEAN Institute – International Workshop 2015


Siam-ASEAN workshop for day 3 and 4 took place in the university. The purpose of organizing this workshop was to discuss further the prospects and the future of ASEAN. Such discussions became necessary at this point because ASEAN as a regional organization is characteristically taking off in 2015. Thailand is located right at the center of ASEAN region geographically.

The workshop attracted many dignitaries. The president of Siam University was seen participating actively in the workshop along with the members of high ranking Siam University staffs. The event also entertained some dancers who performed at the occasion. The audience and the attendees of the conference were in high mood during the entertainment and the dancing.

It also involved visits to several places in Thailand. The workshop team embarked on a visit to the temples and the department of territorial defense shooting range which is a government agency.

However, there was presentation of appreciation gifts to some notable members who attended this workshop. Thus it marked a memorable moment signaling that the future of ASEAN people is in the right direction.

The 3rd and the 4th day of this workshop had helped the attendants to understand fully the importance of ASEAN formation and its needs for participating countries to cooperate economically and security-wise.

The vital aspect of this workshop remains on ASEAN youth/ citizenship. It actually harped on the importance of youths as the future of ASEAN. It was stressed that young people are the future and highlights their maximum cooperation if progress was to be achieved in the region. In other for ASEAN to be a cooperative and strong regional force, the youths must constitute the vigorous members of this region.

Efforts must be made to promote good and sincere contributions from the youth in the interest and the progress of ASEAN. Hence, quality education must be provided for the young people in all ASEAN countries.

The workshop had also pointed out that even though youths are pivotal to ASEAN people, no organization or members young and old should be left behind in moving ASEAN forward.


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