Siam University Annual Teacher Appreciation Day 2017


Teacher Appreciation Day at Siam University 2017

The Siam University annual Teacher Appreciation Day commenced on Thursday, 8 September 2017.  Students from Thai and International programs attended to show their respect to Siam administration and teachers and celebrate the long time tradition of this ceremony.

The Wai Khru Ceremony (พิธีไหาัครู) is an annual Teacher Appreciation Day, and is a Thai ritual where students pay respect towards their teachers and administration.  The ceremony symbolizes the students expression of gratitude and formalizes the relationship between the student and teacher.  This ceremony occurs in most schools across Thailand in the beginning of the year.

Wai Khru is a long time important rite in the traditional martial and performing arts, as well as, astrology, Thai massage, and other traditional arts.  Students and performers of Muay Thai and Krabi Krabong, Thai dance and classical music usually perform a wai khru ritual at their initiation and before performances to pay respect and homage to bother their teachers and deities who patronize the arts.

The Thai word wai (ไหวั) translates to the term ‘bow’ and it also involves raising the hands together to the face, similarly to saying a prayer.  Thai culture fosters a deep respect for educators and this ceremony is a elegant way to begin each new academic school year.  The ceremony is decorated with various floral bouquets and wreaths and symbolizes a vital part of the Thai education system.

At this years ceremony, the international students participated to commemorate a new beginning and new era of education and the respect of the international student body towards Thai tradition and rituals.  This year students from Germany, Finland, and Nepal represented the International Business Program.

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